Sexual Assault PSA

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the staggering statistics of sexual assault on university campuses. Many women are taught prevention techniques both for their lives on and off campus, but the statistics are not in their favour. According to university campus rape centers, 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted by the time they graduate (re: globe and mail). What’s even more staggering is the correlation between sexual assault and alcohol.
When I attended university, this topic was discussed openly. Like everybody else, I took self-defense classes at the community center, only took bright paths on my way home & never left my drink unattended.  But even with all of my lessons on how to keep myself safe, Inever heard one of these messages directed towards my male classmates. Not-a-one.
Now is the time to switch things up and create a different dialogue regarding rape. Women have heard the message loud and clear for years, therefore the focus needs to be geared towards boys & men.
So to mark the beginning of the school year, CM Studio created a new sexual assault prevention PSA for the community.


Boys, Don’t Drink & Rape posters will be available through our online shop in the coming days. To pre-order email [email protected].

Keep safe and Happy Froshing!


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