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Foodie.ch was the first online food magazine in Switzerland. Started in 2008, it was founded to inspire foodies and culinary creatives by highlighting the best in dining, food and styling, with a special emphasis on Swiss talent.

Created as one of Charles Malene Studio’s in-house projects, the FOODIE.CH’s curated content complemented what was happening in cities like Zurich, Basel and New York, with the aim of featuring new and exciting initiatives in Switzerland while bringing international topics to the attention of the Swiss reader. It featured the works of writers/chefs such as Merrill Stubbs (food52) and Adele Hagan (foodstylist.ca). FOODIE.CH was available in German, French and English to address the multilingual needs of its readers.

Design by

Charles Malene


Art Direction, Digital Designer, Photographer


Nov 2008 – Dec 2012


head table



Design by

Charles Malene


Art Direction, Digital Designer, Photographer


Nov 2008 – Dec 2012

lunch food

detox food

food plan

asian food


french food

lunch illustration


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