Hack It Day attendees working on visual prototypes of their apps

Hack It Day

Hack It Day was a youth tech event for the at-risk kids in the GTA held annually at the Toronto City Hall Council Chambers (located in downtown Toronto). Developed by Kids In Tech Inc. in 2016, Hack It Day partnered with StartupHere TO and The Toronto Youth Cabinet to bring a free day of tech fun. HID consisted of a mini-hackathon, free lunch, VR preview, and demo showcase of students’ work from the hackathon. Students worked in teams to produce working prototypes. Volunteers from RED Academy provided support for the students to develop and build their projects to present to the public.

Charles, Malene coordinated the event, negotiated partnerships, organized volunteers and prepared curriculum goals for the day.  

Concept & organization by Charles, Malene

Hack It Day group shot


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